Kickin' it with KK

Helmet of Salvation

Episode Summary

How do you think we can stand up against everything this nasty world throws at us and expect to win battles? Well the answer is- in our defenses, which is the Armor of God.

Episode Notes

5 ways you know your helmet is NOT working:

  1. Dwelling on the past, failures and living in the what ifs and if only.
  2. Doubting Christ love and care for you or your situation.
  3. Looking to worldly things for comfort instead of to God.
  4. When you start slipping back to your old ways, not aligned with God.
  5. Put earthly treasures above God. (time, money relationships, etc.) 

5 ways you know your helmet IS working properly:

  1. Renew your mind in Christ; allowing the word of God to wipe out anything that is not true.
  2. Reject doubt
  3. Keeping an eternal focus; store up treasure in Heaven, not on earth.
  4. Victory is already accomplished; dead to sin, alive to God.
  5. Put all your hope in Christ; treasure what the helmet represents, our salvation.

Referenced scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20, 2 Corinthians 10:5 & 6, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Roman 12:2

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